While the Second World War rages, the teenage Mahito, haunted by his mother's tragic death, is relocated from Tokyo to the serene rural home of his new stepmother Natsuko, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to the boy's mother. As he tries to adjust, this strange new world grows even stranger following the appearance of a persistent gray heron, who perplexes and bedevils Mahito, dubbing him the "long-awaited one."
around 45 mins with very slow pace story than didn't going anywhere and after that things moving too...
Surealisme khas Miyazaki yang secara indah menuturkan proses mengintip masa lalu, berdamai dengan lu...
Tema dan desain narasinya membuat film ini jadi film Hayao Miyazaki yang 'paling berat'. Cerita fant...
Mengingatkan sama karya-karya Miyazaki sebelumnya tapi lebih kompleks dan mungkin butuh nonton lebih...