Prani is a middle-aged schoolteacher known for her unwavering ethics, and her creative punishments — called “reflections” — earn her admiration from her colleagues and respect from her pupils. When she sees someone cutting in line at a popular coconut-cake stand, she fearlessly speaks out against the injustice. Her deed takes an unexpected turn, however, when a vlogger posts a video of her, which goes viral, gets misinterpreted, and unleashes a wave of online criticism. Prani's reputation and chances of securing the vice principal position she aspires to are suddenly at risk, and though her family tries to help her prove her innocence, the situation soon spirals out of control.
Sedih tapi sesuai realita saat ini kalo ternyata susah yaa jadi orang bener 😢. Filmnya bagus banget...
Film panjang kedua Wregas masih menyindir isu-isu yang familiar dan masih sukses ngebungkus itu semu...
Kali ini bermain di ranah yang lebih unapologetically realistis, satu hal konsisten ditunjukkan oleh...