After suffering from serial paranormal events, a wealthy family living in LA summons a young rising shaman duo Hwa-rim and Bong-gil to save the newborn of the family. Once they arrive, Hwa-rim senses a dark shadow of their ancestor has latched on the family, so-called a ‘Grave’s Calling’. In order to exhume the grave and relieve the ancestor, Hwa-rim seeks help from the top-notch geomancer Sang-duk and the mortician Young-geun. To their dismay, the four find the grave at a shady location in a remote village in Korea. Unaware of the consequences, the exhumation is carried out, yet this rather unleashes a malevolent force buried underneath…
Horor perdukunan yang so much more dengan 'menggali' lebih dalam. Narasi berchapternya seperti terbagi dua bagian yang sangat kontras. Yang bisa bikin kita terlepas, walau sebenarnya masih kontinu sebagai perlambangan.