A Significant band from Jakarta is having a concert in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. Their vocalist Shita (Dinda Azani) mysteriously disappeared. The other band members are trying to find the vocalist. After searching for and finding information that shita is in Saranjana, a supernatural city that is believed by local residents to be a mysterious city that is modern and advanced. In order to bring their vocalist back to the real world, they have to go on an adventure through horror and mystical events to find a portal to Saranjana.
Harusnya kalo judulnya bukan saranjana pilem ini termasuk bagus.
Gw suka dgn petualangan mereka masuk hutan lewatin sungai di kalimantan itu berasa seru bgt!
Dan penampakan pocci di sungai yg harusnya bs serem (krn efek cgi yg jelek jg sih bikin jd krg serem)
Tp msh bs gw ksh skor 6/10 msh ada unsur fun nya.
Walo endingnya agak meh pas nyampe d kota saranjananya kok beginii (diluar ekspektasi bgt)