After suffering from serial paranormal events, a wealthy family living in LA summons a young rising shaman duo Hwa-rim and Bong-gil to save the newborn of the family. Once they arrive, Hwa-rim senses a dark shadow of their ancestor has latched on the family, so-called a ‘Grave’s Calling’. In order to exhume the grave and relieve the ancestor, Hwa-rim seeks help from the top-notch geomancer Sang-duk and the mortician Young-geun. To their dismay, the four find the grave at a shady location in a remote village in Korea. Unaware of the consequences, the exhumation is carried out, yet this rather unleashes a malevolent force buried underneath…
Part 1 filmnya menarik, scoring dan atmospheric menegangkan, tidak ada jump scare meski tentang hantu leluhur yang meneror, tetapi memasuki part 2 saya sedikit bingung kenapa berbelok ke arah periblisan dan persejarahan, tapi overall ini adalah film yang entertaining dari semua horror indo yang lagi tayang di bioskop