Nine days after his death, Abraham has not been buried, in order to fulfill Abraham's last message: "There is no funeral before Martha returns." The return of Martha from Sabah, Malaysia is of course a special joy for the family, especially Orpha the mother and Bertha her sister. However, after two years abroad, Martha was severely depressed due to the rape she experienced while working as a laborer on a palm oil plantation. As the head of the family, Orpha must also be a tough woman. However, due to the unfavorable environment, Martha again became a victim of sexual harassment.
Sebuah pengalaman bias, antara memang laki-laki itu bejat, atau Mama Orpha yang sial bertubi-tubi karena melanggar adat.
Sinematic experience dengan banyaknya long take bikin berdecak kagum, gak nyangka aktor lokal bisa bermain sehebat ini.
Soft teaching tentang adat dan kebiasaan di Rote tersampaikan dengan baik, apalagi pas permintaan maaf dari keluarga Habel ke Mama Orpha.
Please, perbanyak film kayak gini dengan promosi yang lebih megah.