Tamara, a vlogger who received blasphemy from netizens for uploading fake apparition videos. As soon as she learns the legendary story of the Devil's Market, he plans to prove the existence of spirits as well as clear his reputation. Together with her friends, Tamara visited a forbidden forest called Devil's Market. Instead of getting what she wants, Tamara is stuck in it.
Mengawali beli tiket dengan ekspektasi tinggi setelah nonton trailernya, tapi setelah ditonton aduuuhhh film ini sungguh wadidaw, mau mockumentary tapi ga full, perasaan orang bikin vlog apalagi pakai kamera pro harusnya gambarnya ga sejelek itu juga, dan ga sedeket itu juga mukanya direkam, apalagi endingnya waduuhh udahlah.